This is going to be an anonymous posting arena in the first instance because sometimes to liven up my hum drum I do naughty things - look at porn on the net (not very often!), download films and programs and reading material etc through eMule, read other peoples blogs, especially if they are younger than me and less inhibited and quite willing to share their life (in words and pictures only of course) with me.
- Am I going to use this as a diary - don't think so!
- Am I going to use this as a ranting, get it off my chest style therapy session -sometimes definitely
- Am I going to use it to give something back to the blogging community - definitely, although they may not want it!! Not sure if anyone will want it!
- Am I going to post often - as often as I can.
- Am I going to post pics - if appropriate.
- Am I going to post Pics of me - Never (and believe me that is a kindness to you all).
- Am I going to look at world issues, politics and the deeper meaning of life - probably not.
- Am I going to look into what I do and why and seek some meaning in it - Yep, that is the raison d'etre (ooh french!!!) of this blog.
Is this just going to be a list of blogs I look at - hopefully not, I will try to make some judgement about the content, give MY views, what I like and don't like etc.
It is highly likely that no-one will even see this first entry in the blog but I want something to refer back to - call it a mission statement. I will not be tied to it to the detriment of the blog but if I don't have a starting point how will I know how far I have travelled.
As I travel this road I will probably share more about myself than it is safe too. I will probably upset some (hopefully not too many - I don't expect many people will want to read it anyway!! Cut the self pity crap - ed.).
Much of what you will read will be of a sexual nature (not mine - hence the blog name) but be assured if you are 18 or younger - this is not for you. If you have hang ups about sexuality and the discussion and portrayal of it in all it's forms this might not be for you either.
Open mided people always welcome.
I won't make this too long for all our sakes!! Here we go guys (and gals).
P.S. Do not expect the blog to remain static - I will be learning how to do all the stuff I see on other blogs - different templates, videos, pics, links etc. Wish me luck!