
Do I talk crap? or what?

Having just re-read the previous post you can tell it was late! I delivered the BC review (?) with so much sickly sweet sugar that it could blacken your teeth just reading it.

BrentCorriganOnline did introduce me to the Blogging world and he does have a great body, but that does not make me so blind that I can't see his ultimate goal is to attain professional and financial independence and wouldn't we all in the same situation? In order to achieve this I feel that sometimes he tweaks the incidents, stories and activities to show there best light, ignoring or forgetting the stuff that shows him in a bad light.

This is what we all do and I wouldn't condem him for it. Looking back allows us 20-20 vision to review events and this, then allows us to employ selective blindness and forgetfulness, generally in our favour.

His site led me to investigate other blogs and I will review (?) them as we travel along.

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