
Chaos theory

Following on from last nights post - Micifus was given his log subscrition by the guy who basically brought out of the closet (moaning and groaning in rapture if you believe the stories).
This guy has a blog called Chaos. Real name Steve, he also blogged under stevethetreat at one time before moving to typepad.

Chaos is a high flyer who shares his life with the blog reader, warts and all. The writing style is clear and generally concise (unlike this shit!). He doesn't go in for the flowery romance stuff and is more of a - we met, we shagged, my bum still tingles - kinda writer.

Sometimes I read his blog with envy and in awe of what he does (not just the sex but the whole lifestyle, even down to his macrobiotic eating regime) in his day to day existence.
Sometimes I read and find myself appreciating what he has gone through to get to where he is. Sometimes I read and I am dismayed at his arrogance, and his lack of empathy for other humans.
Sometimes I read and am amazed at how much he will put himself out for others.
Sometimes I read and worry aboout his proclivity for younger men, his perchant to buy them expensive gifts and his self confessed admission that anyone over 23 is too old for him.

But despite the misgivings and worries I have about what he is doing to himself and others and to some degree what kind of person does it make me to want to read about it - I READ.

The blog is at times joyous, indulgent, revealing, depressing, dismal, enlightening and even educational but it is always interesting.

There is an added spice to reading the chaos blog and this is founded in the fact that many of his circle of friend and aqcuaintances also blog. to see a story or dialogue from two differing views and personalities gives it veracity and a solid feeling of truth. Chaos sits in the middle of a spiders web of acquaintance and friends who flow in and out of his life (and bed) with remarkable regularity. He seems to manage them all with almost machievellian control and they seem to be under the spell of this sucessful, confident and magnetic personality.

Not sure if he and I would actually like each other should we ever converse or meet (highly unlikely) I'd be too staid for him - he'd be too wild for me and neither of us would probaby want to invest the time in getting to know each other - that's what blogs are for.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter how staid you are.

If you meet Steve, he will get you to shag him, and then you will either love him or hate him.

Either way, you will never forget him.